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Mater Dolorosa Catholic Church​
The Second Sunday of Lent
March 16, 2025
​​​​​Facebook Page
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Holy Face Chaplet
Every Tuesday after 8:00 AM Mass and
Every Sunday after 10:30 AM Mass
Liturgy of the Hours
Every Wednesday at 7:30
Holy Rosary with Adoration
Every Thursday after 8:00 AM Mass
Followed by Refreshments in the Parish House
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday at 3:00, Except During Lent
During Lent Way of the Cross is at 5:00 pm followed by the Mass
Weekday Masses - Monday - Saturday
8 AM
Vigil Mass on Saturday
4 PM
Sunday Masses
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
12:30 PM
5:30 PM
7:30 PM
Confessions by appointment (504) 866 3669
Email: materdolorosa@arch-no.org
Everyone is welcome in our Father's house. We wish to be for the lonely, the tired and the forgotten, a sanctuary of healing. For the brave, the strong and the willing, we wish to be a calling.
Under the shady oaks of South Carrollton Avenue, Mater Dolorosa Catholic Church stands out as a Christian marvel. Over 200 years old, the church is an enduring testament to the Catholic faith. Adorned with breathtaking artwork, the faith is proclaimed with brush and chisel.
The congregation of Mater Dolorosa is its true treasure: the family of God loving each other to worship Jesus Christ as their one and only Messiah. Proclaiming the Gospel (the Good News), it stands as a beacon of light in the City of New Orleans and the world. That proclamation is achieved by word, example, prayer and faith.