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8 -Profession of Faith in Jesus Christ and His Church as the Only Path to God and to Eternal Salvation
That faith in Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God and only Savior of mankind, is the only religion willed by God.
7- Bishop Schneider: Pope Francis has contradicted ‘the entire Gospel’
Speaking to Raymond Arroyo, Bishop Athanasius Schneider firmly critiqued and rejected Pope Francis' claim that 'every religion is a way to arrive at God.'
6 - Bishop Athanasius Schneider: Pachamama was worshiped at Vatican and it wasn’t harmless
'To put Pachamama on altars or in consecrated churches in order to worship them, is a true and plain desecration.'
5 - Bp. Schneider rebukes Pope Francis’ remarks at ecumenical meeting: Catholicism is ‘the one true religion’
The auxiliary bishop of Astana made numerous, clear comments to the media on the primacy of the Catholic Church.
4 - Bishop Schneider: Suppression of Summorum Pontificum would be an ‘abuse of power’
The auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan discussed what would happen if the Vatican moved to restrict the Traditional Latin Mass.
3 + Athanasius Schneider on vax mandate
Today, I greet all of those workers who at this very hour who are being forced to choose between keeping their job and getting the Covid-19
vaccine or being fired for not getting the vaccine. Through this brief letter I extend some encouragement in your trials. The Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima can also offer a religious
exemption. Some of you have already paid the price for the truth about the Covid-19 vaccine and its causal link to abortion.
1 - Bishop Schneider Publishes Open Letter Condemning Pachamama Idolatry
In a new open letter published today, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, invoking his “ordination as a Catholic bishop and successor to the Apostles,”...
2 - Bp. Schneider warns COVID restrictions are creating ‘a society of slaves’
In a new interview, Bishop Athanasius Schneider affirms his position of ‘no exception’ for abortion-tainted vaccines and draws parallels between the Soviet propaganda of his childhood and what is currently happening in the Western world.