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12 -Cardinal Müller Talks Theology in South Bend — and Criticizes the Synod
11-Cardinal Müller said the list of alleged sins to be confessed at the vigil ‘reads like a checklist of woke and gender ideology’ and stressed that there is ‘no sin against a form of synodality that is used as a brainwashing tool’ to advance ‘progressive ideologies.’
10 - Cardinal Müller calls Pope Francis’ homosexual ‘blessings’ an attack on marriage.
09 - Cardinal Müller SLAMS Synodal ‘Ideology’ – Trying to Turn the Church into an ‘NGO’
08 - Cardinal Gerhard Müller: “Their goal is the transformation of the Church into a welfare organization”
07 - Cardinal Müller: The West would put Jesus in jail today for His teaching on marriage
06 - Cdl. Müller: German Synodal Way is ‘worse than schism’ and has abandoned ‘essence of Christianity’
Müller explained that while the schismatic orthodox churches kept their focus on Christ, the Synodal Way in Germany has abandoned “the very essence of Christianity […] in favor of its transformation into a variant of the materialistic and nihilistic woke culture of man’s self-redemption and self-creation.”
05 - Cardinal Müller on Synod on Synodality: ‘A Hostile Takeover of the Church of Jesus Christ … We Must Resist’
Cardinal Gerhard Müller spoke about the papal silence surrounding the arrest of Cardinal Joseph Zen and the Synod on Synodality, saying the Catholic Church is facing ‘a hostile takeover’ by people who ‘think that doctrine is like the program of a political party’ that can be changed by votes.
ROME (ChurchMilitant.com) - A top cardinal raised concerns about how his fellow prelates understand the nature of the Church and treat papal authority.
Cdl. Gerhard Müller
"The theory of the pope as autocrat, borrowed from 19th century Jesuit theology,
03- Preface to the German Edition of Bishop Fernando Arêas Rifan’s book Tradition and Living Magisterium
The liturgy, as the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the same Ecumenical Council says, is a privileged locus theologicus, a source of life gushing forth from the sacramental mysteries and in communion with the Triune God “full of grace and truth” (Jn 1:14)
02 - MANIFESTO OF FAITH By Cardinal Gerhard Müller
In the face of growing
confusion about the doctrine of the Faith, many bishops,
priests, religious and lay
people of the Catholic...